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Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee Meeting

Monday, September 9, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Toll Free Call in Number: (833) 568-8864
Meeting ID: 160 588 5212

The Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee (RSMPOC) was developed to oversee projects that fall under the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan. Since the launch of PLAN: Nubian Square the RSMPOC meetings also include progress reports on the initiative. The committee meets monthly to discuss development and planning in Nubian Square.

All meetings are open to the public and community input is desired.

Please come join your neighbors to help shape the future of the neighborhood!

* Translation and interpretation will be provided in Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Cape Verde Creole.

Summary & Goals 

The Roxbury Strategic Master Plan is a strategic planning agenda that will provide a framework to guide change and economic growth for the next ten to twenty years in Roxbury. The plan seeks to provide a high-quality physical environment that is attractive, safe, and convenient for residents and visitors. It is a plan that values education and job readiness at all levels and that gives residents choices in how they participate in the civic, cultural, and economic life of the community. The plan encourages businesses that are environmentally sensitive to public health, conserve resources, and put the concept of environmental justice into practice.

The theme that emerged from the public process is the commitment to build upon the area’s many assets to develop a strong and united Roxbury at “the Heart of the City.” Roxbury is poised to enhance the quality of life of its residents by sharing  the educational, cultural, and natural resources and infrastructure of the city and connecting them to the economic success of the metropolitan Boston area.

The Strategic Master Plan will provide structure and guidance to current and future development efforts in this neighborhood. It includes achievable standards and specific short- and long-term implementation strategies that will facilitate the development of thriving commercial centers, provide for a wide variety of housing types, foster continued diversity in its resident population, support an efficient and effective transportation network resulting in an affordable and decent quality of life.

The specific details of the plan have been shaped in a series of focus group meetings, Community Working Group meetings and neighborhood-wide public workshops attended by residents, representatives from community organizations, area institutions, city agencies, and elected officials. The plan reflects a synthesis and prioritization of issues, objectives and strategies expressed by the participants of the workshops combined with the analysis of existing conditions and trends affecting the region and the neighborhood.

Read the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan

The Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee meets every 1st Monday of the month. For more information, please see the documents below. For meeting recaps and updates, please go to the Past Public Meetings section below.

Join, Engage and Take Action

Join: Join the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee and/or a Project Review Committee (PRC)
To take a more active role in the overseeing of public parcel disposition in the Nubian Square area, please consider joining the RSMPOC or a PRC.

RSMPOC Nomination Form
RSMPOC members are charged with advising the implementation of the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan and PLAN: Nubian Square initiatives by providing a holistic view on issues including economic development, workforce opportunities, and housing. At this time the nominations for the RSMPOC are closed. Please check back for further updates.

PRC Nomination Form
PRC members are tasked with evaluating the development submissions solicited from the request for proposals of publicly-owned parcels within Nubian Square.
At this time, nominations for P-10 and Bartlett Place are Open

Engage: Attend public meetings. Ask questions. Invite neighbors, Roxbury civic groups and organizations, businesses, abutters, or other community affiliates to public meetings
Meetings,typically include updates from developers and Planning staff. During these meetings the RSMPOC and community members have the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments on upcoming development. To learn more about the rules and format of these meetings please read the Rules of Engagement

Take Action: Review and comment on projects, developments, and the planning initiatives. 
Materials for the parcels overseen by the RSMPOC can be found in the Projects Under Review section below.

Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Committee Members

Catherine Hardaway
Charlotte Nelson
Dorothea Jones
Frank Williams
Frederick Fairfield
Lorraine Payne Wheeler
Marisa Luse
Nefertiti Lawrence
Norman Stembridge
Steven Godfrey
Sue Sullivan
True-See Allah
Valeda Britton

Ex Officio Members
State Senator Liz Miranda
State Representative Christopher Worrell
State Representative Chyna Tyler
City Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson

Projects Under Review

Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

For RFPs within the PLAN: Nubian Square boundaries, please visit the PLAN: Nubian Square page.

Development Projects

For projects under development within the PLAN: Nubian Square boundaries, please visit the PLAN: Nubian Square page.

All Roxbury development project updates can be found by searching the Development Review page. Click the name of the project to get an overview of the proposal and where it is in the planning process.

Mayor's Office of Housing (MOH) Development Projects
40-50 Warren
75-81 Dudley

For more information on submitted proposals and selected developers, please visit MOH's site.

Past Engagement

2024 Meetings

July 1, 2024
Presentation | Recording

June 3, 2024

May 6, 2024
Presentation | Recording

April 1, 2024
Presentation | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

March 4, 2024
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

February 5, 2024
Presentation | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

January 8, 2024
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

2023 Meetings

November 6, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

October 2, 2023
Boston Equity & Inclusion Cabinet PresentationRecording

September 11, 2023
Developer Progress Reports | Recording

July 10, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | NotesDeveloper Progress Reports | Recording

June 5, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | NotesDeveloper Progress Reports | Recording

May 1, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

April 3, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

March 6, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

February 6, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

January 09, 2023
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

2022 Meetings

November 7, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

October 3, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

September 12, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Aprizentason | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

July 11, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

June 6, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

May 16, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

Please note that the presentation slides in the meeting recording are in Haitian Creole but you can access the English and Spanish presentation slides above.

April 4, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

March 7, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

February 7, 2022
Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Notes | Developer Progress Reports | Recording

2021 Meetings

View past meeting presentations, recordings, and other materials by clicking on a meeting link below.

November 1, 2021

October 4, 2021

September 13, 2021

July 12, 2021

June 7, 2021

May 3, 2021

April 5, 2021

March 1, 2021

February 1, 2021 (postponed due to inclement weather)

January 11, 2021

2020 Meetings

December 7, 2020

November 2, 2020

October 5, 2020

September 14, 2020

March 2, 2020

February 3, 2020

2019 Meetings

November 4, 2019

October 7, 2019

September 9, 2019

July 1, 2019

June 3, 2019

May 6, 2019

April 1, 2019

Jan 7, 2019

Documents All Documents ยป

Share Your Thoughts

We want to hear from you! All questions, comments and ideas are welcome. Comments are received and reviewed by members of the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan team.

To submit a comment in a language besides English, please email [email protected].
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