CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee Meeting

Mar 07, 2022

6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Kelly Sherman

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee (RSMPOC)

  • Location:

    Virtual Meeting

  • Contact Phone:



Call in Number: 1 646 828 7666
Meeting ID: 160 677 5789

The Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee (RSMPOC) was developed to oversee projects that fall under the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan. Since the launch of PLAN: Nubian Square the RSMPOC meetings also include progress reports on the initiative. The committee meets monthly to discuss development and planning in Nubian Square.

All meetings are open to the public and community input is desired. For more information, on how to Join, Engage, and Take Action please visit

Please come join your neighbors to help shape the future of the neighborhood!


  • South End Urban Renewal and Campus High School Urban Renewal Plan Minor modification
  • P-3 Remediation Update

Enlace de inscripción:
El número para marcar es el: 1 646 828 7666
ID de la reunión: 
160 677 5789

El Comité de vigilancia del Plan maestro estratégico de Roxbury se creó para controlar los proyectos incluidos en el Plan maestro estratégico de Roxbury. Dicho comité se reúne mensualmente para analizar el desarrollo y la planificación de Nubian Square. 

Para más información, sobre cómo unirse, participar y actuar, visite


  • Renovación Urbana de South End y Plan de Renovación Urbana de la Escuela Secundaria del Campus Modificación menor
  • Actualización de remediación P-3

Lyen Enskripsyon an:
Nimewo pou rele a: 1 646 828 7666
ID Miting la: 
160 677 5789

Yo kreye Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee (Komite ki Kontwòle Plan Metriz Estratejik Roxbury) pou sipèvize pwojè ki tonbe anba Roxbury Strategic Master Plan yo. Komite a rankontre chak mwa pou l diskite sou pwojè devlopman ak planifikasyon nan Nubian Square.

Pou plis enfòmasyon sou kijan pou Patisipe, Angaje ak Pran Aksyon, tanpri ale


  • Plan Renouvèlman Iben South End ak Campus High School Plan Renouvèlman Iben Minè modifikasyon
  • P-3 Mizajou Ratrapaj