CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Citywide Zoning for ADUs - Zoning Analysis Updates

May 08, 2024

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Will Cohen

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Public Meeting

  • Location:

    Virtual Meeting


Please join the BPDA Planning team for a conversation on how to update residential zoning to allow for the development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)! The BPDA has launched an initiative that would update zoning to allow ADUs to be built without zoning relief in every neighborhood. During this meeting, BPDA Planning and Urban Design staff will share results of analysis on existing building and lot patterns across Boston that are helping to shape future draft zoning recommendations. 

The Citywide ADU Zoning initiative builds on five years of work with the Mayor’s Office of Housing under the ADU Program. The current ADU program allows owner-occupants to build an ADU using only existing space within their homes (such as within an unused attic or basement). This zoning initiative aims to expand this opportunity, increase lower-cost housing options, empower residents to build wealth, and foster diverse, multi-generational living spaces.

How to Participate

Please register in advance

Toll-Free Call-in Number: 160 282 3355
Meeting ID: 161 641 2312