CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Research Publications

Explore the Research Division publications below by keyword, neighborhood, or topic. If you have questions about these documents or are looking for specific information, please review the Frequently Requested Information page. This page features publications covering the most requested economic and demographic data for Boston.

History of Boston's Economy

N/A Neighborhoods

Nov 01 2011 Publication Date

Over the past thirty years, Boston has become a leader in financial services, health care, and education.

Topics: Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
LMAT noted as resource in Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia publication

N/A Neighborhoods

Sep 20 2011 Publication Date

The BRA Research Division’s work was noted in the Fall 2011 issue of Cascade, a publication by the community development studies and education department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The topic is workforce development and the Labor Market Assessment Tool (LMAT) is listed as a resource.

Topics: Labor Market
Measuring Return on Capital Investments in the City of Boston

N/A Neighborhoods

Jul 01 2011 Publication Date

Mark Melnik, Deputy Director for Research, presents at the 2011 Transportation Research Board, Joint Summer Meeting, July 11, Future Directions for the Federal Transportation Programs, on "How Can We Better Measure Return on Transportation Investments?"

Topics: Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Triple Bottom Line Calculator: Urban Sustainability Directors Network

N/A Neighborhoods

Jul 01 2011 Publication Date

The BRA Research Division developed a model of a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Calculator for assessing the economic, environmental, and social impact of strategic capital investments in municipalities for the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN) led by the Energy and Environmental Services Department at the City of Boston.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market
ACS 2005-2009 Estimate - Boston

N/A Neighborhoods

Jun 01 2011 Publication Date

The American Community Survey (ACS) is an annual survey conducted by the US Census Bureau using a sample of the total population to create estimates.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Gender, Households & Families, Income & Poverty, Labor Market, Language, Race
Boston by the Numbers - Economy & Jobs

N/A Neighborhoods

Mar 01 2011 Publication Date

Boston by the Numbers is a series created by the Research Division that highlights the characteristics of Boston's population and economy.

Topics: Income & Poverty, Labor Market
The Largest Employers in Boston 2011

N/A Neighborhoods

Mar 01 2011 Publication Date

The Largest Employers in the City of Boston is a report produced through the results of an analysis of the largest private sector companies with 500 or more employees in Boston.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Encore Careers

N/A Neighborhoods

Feb 01 2011 Publication Date

Mark Melnik, deputy director of research, co-authors article in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Communities & Banking Spring 2011 issue. Demographic changes and economic growth will result in a changing labor picture that includes encore careers -- jobs filled with workers aged 55 and up. How will this impact the future labor force and labor trends?

Topics: Labor Market
The Boston Economy in 2010

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 01 2011 Publication Date

This report profiles Boston's current economic state and analyzes past recessions with an eye toward the prospects for recovery.

Topics: Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Boston Continues to Give More Than It Gets

N/A Neighborhoods

Apr 20 2010 Publication Date

As a follow-up to the publication released in 2006, this short report demonstrates that although Boston has increased its share of population, employment, Gross State Product, and state tax revenues, the city's share of state aid has further declined.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development