1334 Dorchester Avenue

Land Sq. Feet
63,111 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
41,655 sq ft
BPDA Contact
Project Description
The Project contemplates the demolition and reconstruction of portions of the existing HVAC retail supply, office, and storage building facing Ellsworth Street and Kimball Street. This replacement of exterior walls will be consistent with the industrial character of the existing building while improving aesthetics and allow improved operations for this local business. The Project will result in a GFA of approximately 41,655 SF, which is approximately 3,902 sf smaller than the GFA of the Existing Building, resulting in a reduced floor area ratio (FAR) of approximately 0.66. The resulting building height will remain unchanged at 31.5 feet, which is permitted by right under the applicable zoning, which permits a maximum of 40 feet. The accessory parking will be maintained, unchanged at 50 spaces.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Dorchester Small Project