CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Public Process: Columbia Point Planning & Morrissey Boulevard Community Advisory Committee

Using the Columbia Point Master Plan as a launching point, the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA)  organized a coordinated public review of multiple development proposals located in the vicinity of Morrissey Boulevard and Columbia Point. Leading with a planning lens, this process engaged all interested stakeholders in evaluating development proposals in the context of: neighborhood planning initiatives, including the Columbia Point Master Plan; climate resilience initiatives, including Climate Ready Boston: Coastal Resilience Solutions for Dorchester, and Moakley Park and Day Boulevard Vision Plan; city-wide policy initiatives seeking equitable outcomes in housing provision and job access, including Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing; and ongoing mobility planning initiatives, including the Morrissey Boulevard and Kosciuszko Circle Redesign, and the JFK/Umass Station Access Plan.

Additionally, in June 2020, an open nomination process was held for the Morrissey Boulevard Community Advisory Committee (CAC). The public review process described above was complemented by the CAC, which acted as a standing group that is intended to ensure consistent participation, and broad representation among interested stakeholders and stakeholder groups. Through ongoing public meetings, the Morrissey Boulevard CAC will assist city and state agencies in reviewing proposed projects along the Morrissey Corridor and the broader Columbia Point area. The CAC worked with the city and state agencies to address potential mobility, connectivity, open space, and climate resilience impacts in a coordinated manner, and ensure that any proposed developments are appropriately scaled to future infrastructure improvements. The CAC was a diverse and community-focused group of 25 members, consisting of neighborhood residents, business owners, community organizations and advocacy groups, individual stakeholders with an interest in the future of the area, as well as local planning, design, and real estate professionals.

Most Recent Engagement

On November 15, 2021, BPDA planning staff hosted a public meeting to discuss proposed zoning text and map amendments to allow for the proposal of Planned Development Areas in the area of Columbia Point adjacent to Morrissey Boulevard. Planned Development Areas are a zoning tool for members of the public and BPDA staff to realize planning objectives and shape the uses, character, and design of complex development proposals. More information about Planned Development Areas is available here.

A recording of the meeting may be viewed at this link.

The presentation may be viewed at the links below:


On November 10, 2021, BPDA planning staff hosted a public meeting to review the Scoping Determination for the Dorchester Bay City development proposal. The meeting presentation was designed to make the findings of the Scoping Determination more accessible to interested stakeholders, especially those who are not planning professionals and those for whom English is not a first language.

A recording of the meeting may be viewed at this link.

The presentation may be viewed at the links below:


On May 5, 2021, the BPDA and other city and state agencies held a Zoom meeting with the CAC to provide brief updates on the current projects in the Morrissey Boulevard area. CAC members heard about the following projects:

  • Dorchester Bay City Article 80 Large Project Review (BPDA/Accordia Partners presenting)
  • 75–77 Morrissey Article 80 Large Project Review (BPDA presenting)
  • Zoning Amendment Administrative Process (BPDA presenting)
  • JFK/UMASS Station Pedestrian Connectivity Study (Boston Transportation Department [BTD] presenting)
  • Morrissey Boulevard and Kosciuszko Circle Study (MA Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs/BPDA presenting)

Brief summaries of these projects and links to their project pages can be found in the following sections. View the recording and presentation from the May 5, 2021 below:

Morrissey Boulevard Community Advisory Committee Meeting

May 5, 2021 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Presentation | Video Recording

Ongoing Planning Processes

The role of the Morrissey Boulevard CAC in the development review processes for the Dorchester Bay City and 75–77 Morrissey Boulevard projects is that of an Impact Advisory Group, which is assembled for all development proposals that trigger Article 80B Large Project Review. In addition to reviewing these Article 80 development projects, the CAC will advise the BPDA in identifying potential project impacts and determining the appropriate mitigation.

Dorchester Bay City

In March of 2020, the development team behind Dorchester Bay City filed a Letter of Intent with the BPDA which initiated the formation of the Morrissey Boulevard CAC. The team subsequently filed a Project Notification Form in September 2020, formalizing the Article 80 Large Project Review process. After several community meetings and a comment period related to this initial filing, the BPDA, in conjunction with other local and state agencies, issued a scoping determination requesting additional information from the project team. To view these files and the project’s timeline please visit the Dorchester Bay City project page. The project contemplates approximately 5.9 million square feet of new, mixed-use development on the Project Site; including approximately 1,740 residential units, approximately 155,000 square feet of retail/restaurant space, and approximately 4 million square feet of office, research and development, life sciences, and/or academic uses. The project also includes substantial public realm and infrastructure improvements, including approximately 20 acres of new, publicly accessible open space and a new street network with vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian accommodations.

75–77 Morrissey Boulevard

In February 2021, the development team behind the 75–77 Morrissey proposed project filed a Letter of Intent with the BPDA. To view this document, other related documents and the project timeline to date, please visit the 75–77 Morrissey project page.The Project Proponent seeks to redevelop over multiple phases, three parcels located at 35-75 Morrissey Boulevard, which consists of approximately 388,502 square feet of land. Phase One of the proposed project will focus on the parcel located at 75 Morrissey Boulevard, which consists of 97,739 square feet of land. The proposed development plan for the phase one parcel consists of one primarily residential building with up to 175 residential units and one primarily life sciences/research building.

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