Servicing of Heating & Cooling Systems in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, Boston, MA.

This contract will require furnishing all necessary labor, materials, equipment, and contract services related to the inspection, testing, servicing and full preventative maintenance of steam heating systems, including all equipment and associated piping, valves and connections serving 12 Channel Street and 22 Drydock Avenue in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, Boston, MA.

Type Bid
Status Awarded
Due Date 11/28/2016 12:00
Pre Bid Meeting Date 11/10/2016 10:00
Awarded Date 12/16/2016
Awarded Company Cooling & Heating Specialists, Inc.
Contract Value $92,930
Contact [email protected]

Cooling & Heating Specialists, Inc. $92,930.00
ENE Systems $121,140.00
N.B. Kenney Company, Inc $149,000.00