CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Research Publications

Explore the Research Division publications below by keyword, neighborhood, or topic. If you have questions about these documents or are looking for specific information, please review the Frequently Requested Information page. This page features publications covering the most requested economic and demographic data for Boston.

Boston by the Numbers 2018

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Sep 13 2018 Publication Date

This report by the Boston Planning & Development Agency Research Division is a short reference guide to the city of Boston. It breaks down the population by age group, gender, and nativity. It also looks at Boston's colleges and universities, housing, and land use.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston's Immigrant Labor Force

N/A Neighborhoods

Jul 24 2018 Publication Date

The labor market is a key means of integration for Boston’s immigrants. Boston’s Immigrant Labor Force: Socio-Economic Characteristics and Economic Integration uses U.S. Census American Community Survey data to profile immigrant workers in Boston, their integration into the labor force, and their resulting standard of living.

Topics: Population & Demographics
A Profile of Boston's Single Mothers

N/A Neighborhoods

Jun 13 2018 Publication Date

About 45% of Boston's households with children are headed by single mothers. This report looks at the demographics of single mothers in Boston and their economic challenges.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston's Economy 2018

N/A Neighborhoods

Jun 01 2018 Publication Date

The 2018 Economy Report details Boston’s impressive economic growth, covering trends in employment, wages, housing prices, and real estate. The Spotlight section takes a deep dive into Boston’s growing tech industry by examining job openings in biotech, green jobs, and cybersecurity. It also analyzes the ‘middle skill’ jobs that make Boston’s growth accessible to residents without higher education. Finally, the Forecast section describes the outlook for Boston’s economic future, hinting at continued growth.

For a presentation version of the Economy Report, click here: Boston's Economy 2018 Presentation

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Trends in Boston Business Establishments and Payroll Employment

N/A Neighborhoods

May 10 2018 Publication Date

This presentation looks at trends over the past 15 years in Boston business establishments and payroll employment. The analysis looks at trends in business services, education, health care and social assistance, consumer services, and production and transportation industries.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market
Boston in Context 2018

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Mar 02 2018 Publication Date

This publication compares Boston and its neighborhoods to the U.S. and Massachusetts on several demographic, economic and housing characteristics. This report uses 2012-2016 American Community Survey data from the U.S. Census.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston: Most NIH Funds for 23 Consecutive Years

N/A Neighborhoods

Feb 13 2018 Publication Date

In fiscal year 2017, Boston continued its unparalleled 23-year record with more NIH funding than any other U.S. city. This report delves into funding provided by the National Institutes of Health for the fiscal year 2017, with a concentration on grant recipients in Boston. It also cites specific advancements in science and medicine that were made possible by the NIH awards to Boston research institutes, hospitals, universities, and private companies.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Boston at a Glance 2018

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 10 2018 Publication Date

This document is a two-page reference to frequently requested information about Boston's population and development. The primary data source is the 2012-2016 5-year American Community Survey. Updated January 28, 2019 to ensure consistency with prior publications.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Historical Trends in Boston Neighborhoods since 1950

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Dec 13 2017 Publication Date

This report analyzes trends in Boston neighborhoods since 1950 in the areas of population, housing, age distribution, race and ethnicity, nativity, educational attainment and labor force participation using data from the 1950-2010 Decennial Censuses and the 2006-2010 and 2011-2015 5-year American Community Surveys.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Race
Historical Boston in Context: Neighborhood Comparisons by Decade, 1950 to 2015

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Dec 13 2017 Publication Date

This report includes tables from the 1950 to 2010 Decennial Censuses and the 2011-2015 American Community Survey. These tables provide data by Boston neighborhood on population, age distribution, nativity, race and ethnicity, education, labor force participation, housing units, and tenure.

Topics: Population & Demographics