CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Research Publications

Explore the Research Division publications below by keyword, neighborhood, or topic. If you have questions about these documents or are looking for specific information, please review the Frequently Requested Information page. This page features publications covering the most requested economic and demographic data for Boston.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) 2017

N/A Neighborhoods

Feb 23 2017 Publication Date

Fiscal Year 2016 marked the 22nd consecutive year that Boston received the most NIH funding of any U.S. city. Forty-two Boston institutions received 3,592 NIH awards for more than $1.85 billion in funding. This total represents 7.5% of all NIH spending and 72% of all NIH funding in Massachusetts. Eight Boston organizations received over $100 million in NIH funding, reinforcing Boston as a powerhouse in medical research.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Boston in Context 2017

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Jan 25 2017 Publication Date

This publication compares Boston and its neighborhoods to the U.S. and Massachusetts on several demographic, economic and housing characteristics. This report uses 2011-2015 American Community Survey data from the U.S. Census.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston at a Glance 2017

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 19 2017 Publication Date

Boston at a Glance is a series of short reference sheets that present some selected demographic, economic and housing characteristics of Boston. The data used in this report are primarily from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2011-2015 American Community Survey. Updated January 28, 2019 to ensure consistency with prior publications.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston 2030 Population Projections

N/A Neighborhoods

Nov 17 2016 Publication Date

This presentation examines historical trends in Boston's population and introduces the Boston Planning and Development Agency's population projections for Boston through 2030.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Methodology for Boston's Population Projections

N/A Neighborhoods

Oct 19 2016 Publication Date

To inform the Imagine Boston 2030 planning process and to create internal capacity to provide ongoing demographic analysis and projections, the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) Research Division developed a population projection model. The model examines historical population trends, creates projections for Boston’s population through 2030, and provides capability to test hypothetical scenarios and explore the impact of policy proposals. This report describes the population projection methodology.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Commuter Flows: Employment and Residence Patterns in Greater Boston

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Aug 29 2016 Publication Date

Commuting patterns reflect interactions within the regional economy. Workers who reside in one town may work in a neighboring town. Jobs in a given town may be filled by a combination of resident workers and commuters. This report examines residential and employment patterns in the greater Boston area and within Boston neighborhoods.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Boston's Economy 2016

N/A Neighborhoods

Jul 29 2016 Publication Date

Annual report on Boston's economy with special focus on the resident labor force.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Boston Business Patterns 2016

N/A Neighborhoods

May 31 2016 Publication Date

This report uses 2013 Zip Code Business Patterns data from the U.S. Census to examine Boston's business trends. For a more detailed analysis of business patterns in individual neighborhoods, please see the addendum to this report "Neighborhood Business Patterns 2016."

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Neighborhood Business Patterns 2016

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

May 31 2016 Publication Date

This report will provide insight into Boston's business establishments and employment by neighborhood. The main data source for this report is the 2013 ZIP Code Business Patterns (ZCBP), published by the U.S. Census Bureau. For citywide business trends, please see "Boston Business Patterns 2016."

Topics: Economy & Jobs
imagine all the people: Massachusetts Portuguese Speakers

N/A Neighborhoods

May 26 2016 Publication Date

"imagine all the people” is a series of publications produced by the Boston Redevelopment Authority for the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement. The series provides a comprehensive profile of Boston’s diverse immigrant communities. This report profiles residents of Massachusetts who are from Portuguese-speaking countries.

Topics: Population & Demographics