CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Research Publications

Explore the Research Division publications below by keyword, neighborhood, or topic. If you have questions about these documents or are looking for specific information, please review the Frequently Requested Information page. This page features publications covering the most requested economic and demographic data for Boston.

The Importance of Small and Micro Businesses in Boston

N/A Neighborhoods

Feb 15 2019 Publication Date

An analysis of micro businesses (less than 5 employees) and small businesses (less than 50 employees) in Boston, focusing on industry distribution, employment, and economic impact.

Topics: Labor Market
Demographic Profile of Adult Limited English Speakers in Massachusetts

N/A Neighborhoods

Feb 06 2019 Publication Date

Limited English-Speaking (LES) adults are those who self-report as speaking English less than "very well." This report details where LES adults live in Massachusetts, their population demographics, and workforce statistics.

Topics: Language
Boston in Context 2019

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Jan 25 2019 Publication Date

Boston in Context tabulates various social, demographic, and economic characteristics from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey by Boston Neighborhood. Citywide totals as well as totals for Massachusetts and the United States are provided for comparison. Data on slides 22-23 revised June, 2019.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Gender, Households & Families, Race
Boston at a Glance 2019

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 22 2019 Publication Date

A two-page reference guide to frequently requested information about Boston's population and development. The primary data source is the 2013-2017 5-year American Community Survey. Updated January 28, 2019 to ensure consistency with prior publications.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Demographic Trends in Boston 2010-2017

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 11 2019 Publication Date

Boston has experienced rapid population growth in recent years. This report uses the most recent American Community Survey to examine how the composition of Boston's population has changed from 2010 to 2017. Variables covering age, race, educational attainment, income, housing, and transportation are included.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Gender, Households & Families, Language, Race
Approaches to Immigration Policy and their Impacts on Boston

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 08 2019 Publication Date

Boston’s healthcare, scientific, educational, and finance sectors have driven its recent economic growth. Foreign-born workers have supplied needed labor in these sectors. Using the REMI model, this report examines the economic impact that two proposed changes in U.S. immigration policy would have on Boston’s economy over a 10-year period.

Topics: Foreign-born
Trends in Article 80 Development

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 04 2019 Publication Date

This Report analyzes development trends in five sub-markets (housing, office, hotel, industrial, and institutional) while describing concurrent economic and demographic trends that may influence development. Together, these data depict the recent cycle of real estate development in Boston, from the beginning of Article 80 in 1996 through the development downturn during the 2008-2009 recession to the recent development boom coinciding with the city’s economic recovery.

Topics: Real Estate & Development
Women in Boston

N/A Neighborhoods

Oct 29 2018 Publication Date

This report looks at the demographics of women in Boston with particular focus on employment and pay disparities between men and women.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Impact of Proposed Federal Immigration Rule Changes on Boston: Public Charge Test for Inadmissibility

N/A Neighborhoods

Oct 15 2018 Publication Date

Under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), a person seeking admission to the United States or seeking to adjust his or her immigration status is considered “inadmissible” (i.e. barred from entry or denied adjustment of status) if that person likely to become a “public charge." In October 2018, the federal government proposed a rule change that would enlarge the scope of benefits programs considered in making public charge determinations and heavily weight use of public benefits and other income-based factors as strikes against the applicant. This report analyzes the possible economic and public health impacts that this proposed rule may have on Boston if it is enacted.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Who Is At Risk of Migrating? Developing Synthetic Populations to Produce Efficient Domestic Migration

N/A Neighborhoods

Sep 17 2018 Publication Date

In developing an interregional, cohort-component projection methodology for Boston, Massachusetts, the BPDA Research Division created an innovative approach for producing domestic migration rates with synthetic populations using 1-year, American Community Survey (ACS), and Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS). This article, published in the journal Urban Science, describes the projection methodology.

Topics: Population & Demographics