CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

60 Kilmarnock Street

Land Sq. Feet
93,882 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
429,700 sq ft
Project Description
Notice of Project Change (NPC): 69 Kilmarnock Street LLC, an affiliate of Samuels & Associates, has requested to make changes to the “West Site” of the previously approved 60 Kilmarnock Street project. The proposed changes will include the removal of 58 parking spaces, increasing the number of IDP units, and creating two residential components that will include multifamily housing and patient-family housing for use by Boston Children’s Hospital. Original Approval: The proposed project is located at 60, 67-75, 70-80 Kilmarnock Street and 59-75 Queensberry Street. It will include a total of approximately 435 residential units in two buildings, totaling 420,800 square feet, separated by Kilmarnock Street, along with ground floor retail space fronting on Kilmarnock Street, and landscaped areas and other amenities and services for residents. The proposed project will also include 250 below-grade and surface parking spaces.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Fenway Large Project