CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

1234-1240 Soldiers Field Road

Land Sq. Feet
136,917 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
655,000 sq ft
Project Description
TDC 1234 Owner, LLC, (1234 Owner) and TDC 1240 Owner, LLC, (1240 Owner), each of which are affiliates of The Davis Companies (together, the Proponent), propose to redevelop two parcels of land totaling approximately 3.14 acres located at 1234 and 1240 Soldiers Field Road in the Allston neighborhood of Boston (the Project Site). The Project Site will be developed with approximately 582,000 sf of Gross Floor Area (GFA) containing approximately 450 residential rental units, approximately 93 residential condominium units, approximately 195 hotel rooms, approximately 12,000 square feet (sf) of ground floor retail space (of which approximately 4,500 sf is being designed to support a small-format live music venue with accessory rehearsal and office space), and approximately 385 structured and underground parking spaces, together with landscape improvements within the Project Site and public realm improvements on Western Avenue and Telford Street.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Allston Large Project