CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Procurement Portal

Procurement staff seek to engage the business community for a variety of goods and services. Whether through Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs), general solicitations for quotes, or Invitation for Bids, staff seek to promote fairness, access, and transparency in all procurement activities. Learn more about our Equitable Procurement Plan and view the Buying Plan for a list of contract opportunities expected to be released in the next two years.

Below you will find the procurement portal related to properties, boards, and commissions, managed by the Planning Department. To view procurement opportunities with the City of Boston, please visit the City of Boston Supplier Portal.

Under Review
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TypeTitleStatusDate AvailableBid Due DateEstimate
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 29 items in 2 pages
BidChina Trade Center Bike Room and StorageUnder Review   01/13/2025 09:0002/13/2025 12:00$ 175000
BidElevator Maintenance at the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park ("RLFMP")Under Review   12/30/2024 09:0001/22/2025 12:00 
BidCharlestown Peace ParkUnder Review   11/18/2024 09:0012/19/2024 12:00$ 655000
BidTimber Boardwalk Reconstruction for Shipyard Park in the Charlestown Navy YardUnder Review   10/28/2024 00:0011/14/2024 12:00$ 3400000
RFPLong Wharf North Seawall RehabilitationUnder Review   10/14/2024 09:0011/21/2024 12:00$ 550000
Bid12 Channel Street Platform and Canopy RepairsUnder Review   09/09/2024 09:0011/13/2024 12:00$ 3301500
RFPBerth 10 RepairsUnder Review   10/07/2024 09:0011/04/2024 12:00 
Bid12 Channel Street Suite 605 Office Build OutUnder Review   09/30/2024 09:0010/31/2024 12:00$ 800000
BidRLFMP Building SecurityUnder Review   08/26/2024 09:0012/12/2024 12:00$ 1300000
RFPCitywide Land Use Impact and Needs AssessmentUnder Review   07/08/2024 09:0008/16/2024 12:00 
RFPSquares + Streets Transportation Planning SupportUnder Review   02/05/2024 09:0003/07/2024 12:00$ 600000
RFPBoston's Framework for Greening While GrowingUnder Review   02/05/2024 09:0003/08/2024 12:00$ 600000
RFPFlood Resilience Mitigation Planning, Feasibility & Design Study for Charlestown Navy YardUnder Review   02/19/2024 09:0004/02/2024 12:00$ 1000000
RFPDevelopment Review Reform Consultant ServicesUnder Review   02/20/2023 09:0005/04/2023 12:00 
RFPTransportation Planning, Analysis, and Design Consultant ServicesUnder Review   03/20/2023 09:0004/21/2023 12:00$ 700000
RFP2023 Downtown Waterfront Trolley Kiosk Program RFPUnder Review   01/10/2023 11:0001/30/2023 12:00 
RFPRFP for Design and Engineering Services for the Resilient Fort Point Channel Infrastructure ProjectUnder Review   12/19/2022 09:0002/10/2023 12:00$ 2000000
RFPLong-Term Lease and Redevelopment of 555-559 Columbia Road in DorchesterUnder Review   03/23/2022 09:0006/15/2022 12:00 
RFPDowntown Waterfront Merchandise Kiosk Program 2022 RFPUnder Review   11/08/2021 09:0012/10/2021 12:00 
RFPResilient Fort Point Channel Infrastructure Project Environmental ReviewUnder Review$ 70000 Woods Hole Group06/07/2021 09:0007/09/2021 12:00$ 70000