BRA Shows the Way
Jun 28, 2012
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Boston + the Skyscraper[/caption] Chief Planner, Kairos Shen, served as a panelist at the Boston Society of Architects standing-room only lecture, “Boston + the skyscraper: Boston’s ambiguous relationship with the high-rise.” The BRA’s Chief Planner emphasized the importance of how a high rise “meets the ground” and raised a central question of how development can be guided to achieve a greater understanding and “imaginability” of a city. Other panelists included Alex Krieger of Chan Krieger/NBBJ and Harvard, Blake Middleton of Handel Architects and designer of Millennium Place, and Elihu Rubin, Visiting Assistant Professor of Urbanism at Yale.
"Dynamic Duo of Good Samaritans"
Mayor Menino, Police Commissioner Ed Davis, and City Councillor Sal LaMattina commended BRA Senior Project Managers John FitzGerald and Erico Lopez on their quick action in recovering a woman’s stolen purse in Downtown Crossing. While on their lunch break, John and Erico sprang into action when they heard a woman yelling that her purse had been stolen. The duo followed the alleged thief down the steps of the State Street Orange Line station. The man threw the woman’s wallet over a railing hoping to divert them, but the pair soon cornered him. After alerting a T employee who called the police, John and Erico contained the man until police arrived. They arrested the man, and charged him with larceny from a person. The woman's purse was returned to her. John and Erico are native Bostonians and former members of the Mayor’s Youth Council. John and Erico have been serving Boston as BRA project managers for seven years. See NECN's coverage here.
[caption id="attachment_7234" align="alignleft" width="150"] Councillor LaMattina, Erico Lopez, John FitzGerald, Charlestown resident, Mayor Menino, and Commissioner Davis[/caption] |
[caption id="attachment_7256" align="alignright" width="150"] Erico Lopez and John Fitzgerald with commendations[/caption] |
Touring Downtown Crossing
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Young Leaders Tour Downtown Crossing[/caption] Members of the BRA Planning Division (Randi Lathrop, Deputy Director of Community Planning, Andrew Grace, Senior Urban Designer/Planner, and Jonathan Greeley, Project Manager/Planner) presented to the Young Leaders Group of the Urban Land Institute projects approved by the BRA Board and those under construction, including Parcel 24, 45 Stuart Street, The Kensington, The Millennium (formerly known as Hayward Place), Millennium Place (formerly known as One Franklin), and Walgreens (opening in the former Border’s location). The BRA Planners guided 60 Young Leaders through Downtown Crossing on foot. A reception followed at GEM on Province Street.