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Hubway Reaches 3,000 Members and Offers Subsidized Memberships

Sep 22, 2011

Congratulations to Hubway! The New Balance Hubway bikeshare program reached 3,000 members this week. You can sign up for a membership at or by calling 855-(4-HUBWAY). The City of Boston and the Boston Public Health Commission has a limited number of subsidized annual memberships to the New Balance Hubway bike share system for low income Boston residents available now. Eligible residents pay only $5 for an annual membership and receive a free helmet. To qualify, residents must be 17 or older and either be receiving some form of public assistance or have an income of no more than 400% of poverty level. The income cut off for a 1-person household is $43,344, for a 2-person household it is $ 58,320, for a 3-person household it is $ 73,248, and for a 4-person household it is $ 88,224. Interested residents can get a subsidized coupon by calling the Boston Public Health Commission at 617-534-5690 and then can sign up for a membership at or by calling 855-(4-HUBWAY). In July Mayor Thomas M. Menino launched the cutting-edge New Balance Hubway bike share system featuring 61 stations and over 600 bikes around the city. The system is operated by Alta Bicycle Share of Portland, OR and includes locations in Kenmore Square, Roxbury, the South End, the Longwood Medical area, Allston, Brighton, the Back Bay and more. New Balance Hubway is a program under Mayor Menino’s nationally recognized Boston Bikes program that he launched to make Boston one of the world’s premiere cycling cities.

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