CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

The Fort Point Channel is a dynamic waterway at the confluence of the Downtown and South Boston waterfronts. The bridge crossings, plazas, and Harborwalk along its edges, together with the numerous civic, cultural, and marine-dependent uses on and around the Channel, create an active and engaging urban waterfront environment. To determine how to take better advantage of the Fort Point Channel's potential, the BRA initiated a watersheet planning process with the Fort Point Channel Working Group and Fort Point Channel Abutters Group, which involved area residents, business owners, and stakeholders. The resulting Fort Point Channel Watersheet Activation Plan envisions the channel as a location for a wide range of water’s edge and floating public uses, including piers, docks, and landings for cultural attractions, recreational boating, and sightseeing. The Plan also endeavors to seamlessly balance these public uses with the existing water-dependent uses along the Channel, including the Gillette Company, Barking Crab, and Hook Lobster, as well as advancing water transportation initiatives. The activation goals and elements of the Plan have informed Municipal Harbor Plans specific to the area as well as state Chapter 91 Waterways licensing of projects along the Channel.

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