CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

PLAN: East Boston Open Space Workshop

Jan 29, 2019

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Kristina Ricco

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:


  • Location:

    East Boston YMCA
    54 Ashley Street
    Boston, MA 02128

  • Contact Phone:



Please join us for a community workshop focusing on open space in East Boston. Open space includes parks, playgrounds, community gardens, beaches, boardwalks, marshes, and more. The workshop—part of a broader conversation on how to preserve, enhance, and grow East Boston—will solicit community feedback about what our open space needs are today and how open spaces should be used in the future. We will share information about previously completed planning efforts and what we’ve heard at previous public meetings.

This event is part of many public events for PLAN: East Boston a long-range planning initiative which, when complete, will update the East Boston Master Plan and will recommend changes to East Boston zoning.

Light refreshments, translated materials, and interpretation services will be provided.


Le invitamos a participar en un taller comunitario centrado en el espacio abierto en East Boston. El espacio abierto incluye parques, espacios de juegos de niños, jardines comunitarios, playas, paseos, marismas y mucho más.El taller es parte de la conversación general de cómo y dónde se ha de preservar, mejorar y crecer en East Boston. Solicitaremos opiniones sobre las necesidades de hoy en día y cómo se usarán estos espacios en el futuro. Compartiremos información sobre estudios de planificación anteriores y comentarios recibidos en reuniones anteriores.

Este evento es parte de PLAN: East Boston, una iniciativa de planificación a largo plazo que, cuando se complete, actualizará el Plan Maestro de East Boston y recomendará cambios en la zonificación.

Contaremos con aperitivos, materiales traducidos e intérpretes.

Meeting summary: 

Participants joined the BPDA and representatives from several public agencies for a discussion about open space. Participants drew maps of their open space network, and discussed the neighborhood’s open space needs today, and what those needs could be in the future.

Resumen de la reunión:

Los participantes se unieron a BPDA y representantes de varias agencias públicas para una discusión sobre parques y espacios abiertos en el vecindario. Los participantes dibujaron mapas de su red de espacios abiertos y discutieron las necesidades de espacios abiertos del vecindario hoy y cuáles podrían ser esas necesidades en el futuro.