
You're Invited!
You are encouraged to attend the Allston/Brighton Mobility (A-B Mobility) Study kickoff open house at the Jackson Mann Gymnasium (40 Armington Street, Allston, MA 02134). Come learn about the current state of mobility in Allston-Brighton and tell us what transportation issues concern you! Community feedback will help determine A-B Mobility focus areas and strengthen our transportation study of all modes in Allston/Brighton! MBTA and MassDOT staff will also be on hand to explain the recommendations of the Better Bus Study and the Allston Transit Improvement Study for Allston/Brighton. The City Hall To Go Truck will be on site, too!
The purpose of the study is to identify measures to improve mobility for all modes - transit, bikes, pedestrians, and cars in the Allston and Brighton neighborhoods. To learn more about the study and stay engaged in the process by visiting our website:
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