CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Sale of 21-29 Fernboro Street Parcel in the Dorchester Neighborhood of Boston

The Boston Redevelopment Authority(“BRA”), doing business as the Boston Planning Development Agency (“BPDA”) is soliciting responses to a Request for Proposals for the redevelopment and sale of 5 parcels, 14/00295000, 14/00296000, 14/00297000,14/00298000, and 14/00299000 representing approximately 14,914 square feet of vacant land in the Brunswick-King Urban Renewal Area, Project No. Mass. R-168, known as 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 Fernboro Street in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston (the “Property”). The BPDA seeks to convey the Property for the construction of residential housing units only. 

Type RFP
Status Awarded
Due Date 03/11/2024 00:00
Awarded Date
Awarded Company
Contract Value
Contact [email protected]

Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation, Escazu Development, and Caribbean Integration Community Development Download
Ambry Development Group, LLC Download