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International Interest in the BRA’s Back Streets Program

Jun 06, 2013

Recognition of Boston's efforts to strengthen local industries and businesses has received international interest!  The organization, Made in Montreal, met with BRA staff earlier this week and a delegation from the province of Jiangxi in China visited the Boston Redevelopment Authority to gain insight into the department and its business development efforts. Made in Montreal, a Canadian non-profit advocacy firm, recognizes the vibrant local economy that functions within the city of Montreal, and aims to strengthen the local manufacturing industry through: promotion, consulting, researching and building networks and connections with local manufacturers.  Made in Montreal reached out and contacted Back Streets staff to discuss ways in which the public sector could assist privately owned businesses and exchanged ideas on development practices and how to protect industrial land through zoning efforts.  Similarly, a visiting Chinese Delegation also contacted Sal Di Stefano, manager of the Back Streets Program, which operates under the Business Development Division of the BRA, to gain knowledge on how the program functions to foster industrial and commercial business through the use of land, workforce and financial resources. Mayor Thomas M. Menino implemented Boston's Back Streets Program to provide to individual businesses and small districts a range of comprehensive industrial planning services including area and development planning services to strengthen the industrial and manufacturing sectors of Boston. 

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