CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Kenmore Square Redevelopment

Land Sq. Feet
48,654 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
263,260 sq ft
Project Description
On November 15th, 2018, the BPDA Board approved Related Beal, LLC's Kenmore Square Redevelopment Project, which includes the redevelopment of seven parcels known as 533-541 Commonwealth Avenue and 650-660 Beacon Street. Six of the existing buildings will be demolished, and one will be renovated and expanded to construct two new, mixed-use buildings. The approximately 1.09-acre site is bound by the Deerfield Street to the west and Commonwealth Avenue and Beacon Street to the south. As approved in November of 2018, the Kenmore Square Redevelopment Project included approximately 280,500 square feet of newly constructed and renovated office and retail space, and approximately 60 parking spaces across two buildings, the Commonwealth Building and the Beacon Building. On December 17th, 2020, the BPDA Board approved a Notice of Project Change ("NPC") specific to the Beacon Building. As originally approved in November of 2018, the Beacon Building was contemplated to include approximately 125,000 square feet of office space and approximately 20,500 square feet of retail space. With the November 2020 NPC, the Beacon Building will now include a revised program of approximately 127,700 square feet of lab/research and development space and approximately 8,560 square feet of retail space.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Fenway Large Project