CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

259 Allandale Street

Jamaica Plain
Land Sq. Feet
0 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
10,705 sq ft
Project Description
The goal for the Project is to upgrade the Farm’s retail facilities in their current locations so its operations will be more efficient and will continue to be available to the regional community throughout the year and for many years in the future. The existing retail structure is proposed to be replaced with a retail Market Barn (~5,300 sf) that will act as the headquarters for all retail operations and is being designed to improve environmental sustainability and reflect the Farm's character. The existing retail greenhouses in Boston will be replaced with a single, more efficient Retail Greenhouse (~5,350 sf) directly adjacent to the Market Barn that will allow the Farm to better meet current and future demand and sell plants all year round. An open space located between the parking lot and the new Market Barn and Retail Greenhouse is programmed to accommodate seasonally appropriate outdoor retail activities throughout the year.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Submit Your Comments

Comment period ends Mar 03, 2025. To submit a comment in a language besides English, please email [email protected].

This form includes some optional demographic questions. Completion of these questions is not required. The City of Boston is committed to equity and inclusion, and the provided demographic information will help ensure that we reach the range of different people who live in our community.
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  • What is your Race/Ethnicity? Select all that apply:

Jamaica Plain Small Project