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The Allston-Brighton Community Plan (ABCP) is a 20-month planning process that will develop a shared vision for future change in close collaboration with the Allston-Brighton community. To realize this vision, the Plan will include strategies and recommendations for City staff, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and more. These strategies and recommendations will guide:
- Where and how developers build new housing or other public amenities
- The type, appearance, and density of new buildings in certain areas
- How people get around the community
- Park space or other open space development
- And more!
City staff will be developing the plan with a Boston-based consulting team (Meet the Team). The team includes planners, designers, and community advocates rooted in the Allston-Brighton neighborhood. To ensure an equity-focused process, the team is committed to three goals:
- To share information and power with community members, community organizations, and City officials
- To invest in place-based leadership
- To enable community members & organizations, and City officials to partner in creating shared priorities and strategies
The planning process will take place through the end of 2025. The Plan strategies will focus on what is possible in the next 3–10 years (from 2028–2035).
What is a community plan? What is the Allston-Brighton Community Plan?
A community plan guides future development (changes to the physical environment) for all parts of a community. The Allston-Brighton Community Plan will look at the next 3-10 years (from 2028-2035), which is within the range that plans often look at. This timeline allows the City to make reasonable projections about economic or population trends and still “think big” about possible future changes.
The ABCP will take several factors into account, including:
- Community knowledge and feedback;
- An assessment of community needs and opportunities;
- Other plans or development projects that are happening in a community;
- Current conditions in land use, transportation, housing, open space, community resources, economic development, and employment.
The plan includes goals, recommendations, and implementation strategies that answer: what kinds of changes are desired by residents, businesses, large institutions, and others who may be impacted by future development in the community? How will these changes be achieved?
What can a community plan do, and what can’t it do?
A community plan is a powerful tool to achieve the types of changes that are desired for the future. In a nutshell: here's what a plan does and does not do, plus what that means for the Allston-Brighton Community Plan.
A community plan does:
- Bring together different views through engagement to create a shared vision for the future
- Provide guidance to the City on future developments and investments
- Coordinate City decisions on the location, financing, and timing of developments and investments
- Identify physical areas that should be rezoned to achieve community priorities (for example: more affordable housing, more open space, more areas that have a mix of residential and retail uses)
- Guide future zoning regulations in the community, which impacts the type (e.g., residential; retail), appearance, density, and distribution of buildings and open spaces
A community plan does not:
- Create new zoning codes for the community. This is usually part of a separate process. In Boston, zoning is overseen by the City’s Zoning Reform team. This team will work on zoning recommendations during the course of the Allston-Brighton Community Plan.
- Compel private or public actors (e.g., developers, City or state agencies, academic institutions) to invest or build on desired areas. However, the plan does identify priority areas, and it does include guidance on how investment and development should happen in these areas.
What city planners and the consultant team are doing for the ABCP:
- Making sure that community members can define what they want to see in the next 3–10 years
- Topics will include: land use & urban form; housing; economy & employment; resilience/ecology/open space; community capacity and resources; mobility; infrastructure & services
- Focus on how these changes will happen—making sure this plan does not “sit on the shelf”—and identifying where these changes should happen
- Making sure that this document is flexible and responds to community needs and desires over time—not a rigid policy document
- Coordinating with different City and community representatives to make sure everyone understands their role in implementation
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Meet the Team
City staff are working in partnership with a Boston-based consulting team of planners, designers, and community advocates. The consulting team is led by Grayscale Collaborative, with strategy and analysis support from Agency Landscape + Planning, RKG Associates, Toole Design Group, and the Allston-Brighton Health Collaborative (ABHC). The team will work with community stakeholders to analyze how zoning, land use, housing, economic development, transportation, and services work today—and to create a Plan that is both implementable and reflects the kind of changes that community stakeholders want to see.
Allston-Brighton Data Stories Pop-Up Exhibit
The Allston-Brighton Data Stories Pop-Up Exhibit showcases the neighborhoods' existing conditions based on the recently completed Allston-Brighton Needs Assessment (2024) and the Allston-Brighton Health Collaborative’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative. Go to the events section to learn more about exhibit locations and tabling times.
To see the online version of Allston-Brighton Data Stories visit: bit.ly/ABCP-data-stories
Upcoming Events
From July 15 to July 28, 2024, the Allston-Brighton Community Plan (ABCP) team will host temporary exhibits in four locations:
- Honan-Allston Public Library | 300 N. Harvard Street, Allston, MA 02134
- Unbound Visual Arts Arthaus Gallery | 43 N. Beacon Street, Allston, MA 02134
- Brighton Public Library | 40 Academy Hill Road, Brighton, MA 02135
- Unbound Visual Arts Overlook Gallery | 175 Washington Street, Brighton, MA 02135
- Faneuil Gardens | 266 N Beacon Street | Brighton, MA 02135
When visiting the exhibits you can share your experiences in Allston-Brighton and learn more about the neighborhoods through the recently completed Allston-Brighton Needs Assessment (2024) and the Allston-Brighton Health Collaborative’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative.
- July 17 | 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Honan-Allston Public Library
- July 17 | 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Brighton Farmers Market
- July 18 | 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Brighton Public Library
- July 19 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Unbound Visual Arts Arthaus Gallery
- July 20 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Unbound Visual Arts Arthaus Gallery
- July 22 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Honan-Allston Public Library
- July 24 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Brighton Public Library
- CANCELLED: July 26 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Unbound Visual Arts Arthaus Gallery
- NEW: July 27 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Faneuil Gardens Unity Day
- July 27 | 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Unbound Visual Arts Arthaus Gallery
- July 28 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Unbound Visual Arts Overlook Gallery
Previous Events
Wednesday, June 26 | Brighton Farmers Market | 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM | 30 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Brighton, MA 02135
Saturday, June 22 [POSTPONED] | Allston Brighton Field Day | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Smith Playground, 235 Western Avenue, Allston, MA 02134
Saturday, June 15 | Commonwealth Tenants Association 1st Annual Graduation Block Party | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM | 201-1224 Jette Court, Brighton, MA 02135
Wednesday, June 12 | Brighton Farmers Market | 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM | 30 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Brighton, MA 02135
Saturday, June 8 | DCR UAP Annual Adaptive Recreation Fair | 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM | 1255 Soldiers Field Road, Brighton, MA 02135
Saturday, June 1 | Allston-Brighton Resource Fair | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Brighton Elks Lodge | 326 Washington Street, Brighton, MA 02135
Upcoming Planning Events in Allston-Brighton
Beacon Park Yard Plan - Draft Scenarios
NEIGHBORHOOD: Allston, Brighton
LOCATION: Josephine A. Fiorentino Community Center
123 Antwerp Street
Brighton, MA 02135