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City proponents celebrate the signing of bill to increase the Earned Income Tax Credit

Aug 07, 2015

More than 400,000 individuals and working families will see a 50 percent increase
On Wednesday, August 5, 2015, leaders from the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) joined Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, and Senate President Stan Rosenberg in a signing ceremony at the State House. The occasion brought together key stakeholders and supporters of the bill that will enact a 50 percent increase in the Massachusetts Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for more than 400,000 working individuals and families in the Commonwealth.

This marks a milestone moment for the Boston Tax Help campaign, formerly known as the Boston Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) campaign, an initiative supported by Mayor Martin J. Walsh, and Chief of Economic Development, John Barros. For the past 14 years, this city-led coalition of area nonprofits, business, and community organizations has promoted the economic independence of working families and individuals throughout Boston by offering free services and raising awareness about the EITC and other tax credits.

The bill increases the Massachusetts Earned Income Tax Credit from 15 to 23 percent of the federal Massachusetts Earned Income Tax Credit, extending the maximum state credit from $951 to $1,459 and meaning as much as $500 in additional support for those who are eligible. This victory will help promote the Mayor’s financial empowerment agenda, which received additional support this year with the launch of and expansion of tax preparation sites around the city.

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