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Foreign Delegations Visit Innovation District

Feb 21, 2013

The Nanyang Technopreneurship Center (NTC) of Singapore and a delegation from Basel, Switzerland came to the Innovation District to experience a rapidly growing, world-leading innovation ecosystem. NTC brought 90 students to see firsthand the Innovation District in action.  These students, from different backgrounds and 8 different countries, are focused on starting technology and innovative businesses.  NTC is a university-level center in Singapore committed to fostering, promoting, and nurturing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.  The group is also visiting Innovation District companies and community partners like Ginkgo BioWorks, Space With A Soul, Friends of Fort Point Channel, Boston Society of Architects, Greentown Labs, and GetFused. A delegation of government officials, university representatives, and entrepreneurs from Basel, Switzerland, led by Swiss State Councilor Eva Herzog and the President of the Swiss Universities’ Rector’s Conference and the Rector of the University of Basel, Prof. Antonio Loprieno, came to learn how the City of Boston is fostering a world-leading innovation ecosystem. Like Boston, Basel has a very strong life sciences economy and a world-class research university.  A ‘Sister State’ to Massachusetts, Basel is strongly supporting initiatives to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.  The BRA partnered with Drydock Center who was host to the group for lunch, which was followed by a tour of emerging technology companies, including Scallop Imaging, Sample6 Technologies, Immunetics, and KeraFAST, whose representatives were on hand to meet the visiting delegation and show them through their spaces.

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