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Dudley Square Consumer Survey

Apr 05, 2012

This month the BRA will be surveying buying and spending habits in Dudley Square as part of the broader Dudley Vision Project. Three surveys tailored to residents, commuters, and current and future employees will be conducted. Results of the survey will inform planning and economic development in the district as its revitalization continues. Fine Point Associates has been contracted by the BRA to perform the survey work. The company has a strong history of working with the Dudley Square Main Streets organization and collaborating with district stakeholders. Surveyors will be stationed at transit points and at area businesses across Dudley Square. The survey will also be available at select community sites, including Central Boston Elder Services, the Dudley Branch Library, and online at the Dudley Vision website. The three separate surveys are geared towards residents and commuters, Dudley Square employees, and the more than 500 Boston Public School employees who will work in the new Dudley Municipal Building under construction now. The survey questions include a combination of satisfaction with existing Dudley Square services and businesses, grocery shopping and dining out habits, and lunch hour dining habits. The BRA hopes to reach a sample size of approximately 400. The survey responses will be used to inform planning, zoning, and the business and services needs of the district. By identifying these needs the city can better guide the future of the neighborhood. The information will be shared with developers and retailers as development projects around the area, including Parcel 9 &10 and Bartlett Yard move forward, to create the most vibrant neighborhood possible. There are over 150 existing businesses in Dudley Square now and it has the most highly trafficked MBTA bus station in Boston, with 2,300 bus trips every weekday. In 2007 Mayor Menino launched The Dudley Vision Project, a multi-year, City-funded initiative to enhance the Dudley Square retail district by focusing on real estate, economic development, and community engagement. In the next five years, Dudley Square is projected to add two million square feet of new office and retail space. Last year the city celebrated the opening of the 15 million dollar Area B-2 Police Station in Dudley Square.  The station, located on the former site of Modern Electroplating, has gone from a Brownfield site to being the city’s first public safety building to earn a LEED Silver rating. Last month the City broke ground on Dudley Square’s historic centerpiece, the former Ferdinand Furniture building, which will become the Dudley Municipal Building. The $115 million project will house more than 500 city employees when it opens in fall 2014.

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