CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Presentation of Proposed Projects for 16-20 Townsend Street, 48 Townsend Street, and Holworthy S-20 & S-21

Apr 23, 2024

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Emma Bird

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Public Meeting

  • Location:

    Virtual Meeting

  • Contact Phone:



Dial-in Number: 833-568-8864
Meeting ID: 160 510 7042

The BPDA is hosting a public meeting about the redevelopment of the parcels 16-20 Townsend Street, 48 Townsend Street, and Holworthy S-20 & S-21 in the Roxbury neighborhood. The Respondent to the three Requests for Proposals, the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association, will present its proposed projects for the sites and answer questions from the community.

Número para marcar: 833-568-8864
Id. de la reunión: 160 510 7042

La Agencia de Planificación y Desarrollo de Boston (Boston Planning and Development Agency, BPDA) organizará una reunión pública sobre la reurbanización de las parcela 16-20 Townsend Street, 48 Townsend Street, y Holworthy S-20 y S-21 en el vecindario de Roxbury. La Asociación del vecindario Garrison Trotter, que ha respondido a las tres solicitudes de propuestas, presentará sus proyectos propuestos para los sitios y responderá las preguntas de la comunidad.

Nimewo apèl: 833-568-8864
Nimewo Reyinyon an: 160 510 7042

BPDA ap òganize yon reyinyon piblik sou reyamenajman zòn 16-20 Townsend Street, 48 Townsend Street, ak Holworthy S-20 & S-21 nan katye Roxbury. Asosyasyon katye Garrison Trotter (Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association) ap prezante pwojè li pwopoze pou zòn yo e l ap reponn kesyon kominote a genyen.

Númeru di Asésu: 833-568-8864
ID di Riunion: 160 510 7042

BPDA sa ta organiza un riunion públiku sobri riabilitason di parsélas 16-20 Townsend Street, 48 Townsend Street, y Holworthy S-20 & S-21 na zóna di Roxbury. Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association (Asosiason di Zóna), ki risponde kes três Pididu di Prupóstas, sa ta ben aprizenta prujétus prupostu pa kes lokal y risponde perguntas di kumunidadi.