Dec 02, 2020 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Rss Contact Name:Aisling Kerr Contact Email Address:[email protected] Type:Public Meeting Location:Virtual Meeting Contact Phone:(617) 918-4212
Description: BPDA-hosted Article 80 Virtual Public Meeting in connection with the proposed Dorchester Bay City project, focused on housing and economic development. How to Participate This meeting will be hosted online, using Zoom. You must register using this link, then you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the meeting. You will also receive an email prior to the meeting regarding technical assistance. The meeting will open 15 minutes before 6:00 PM for you to join and troubleshoot any technical issues. If you're calling in by phone, you'll need to download the Zoom application to see our presentation and access language interpretation. Please register in advance for this meeting at the following link: Toll free call in number: 833.568.8864 Meeting ID: 160 776 4081 Interpretation services and translation of vital documents is available upon request. Please provide a minimum of 7 days notice to allow for interpretation services and translation.