PLAN: East Boston Mixed-Use Nodes & Corridors

Nov 06, 2019

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Kristina Ricco

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Public Meeting

  • Location:

    Excel Academy
    401 Bremen Street
    East Boston, MA 02128

  • Contact Phone:



Please join us for a workshop series focused on zoning and public realm in East Boston. These workshops will explore the challenges and opportunities of different types of areas in the neighborhood including neighborhood residential, mixed-use nodes and corridors, and waterfront industrial and economic development areas. Discussions will focus on how features of zoning and the public realm operate in these areas today, and how they could in the future. Light refreshments, translated materials and interpretation services will be provided at all events.

Meeting Summary:

This workshop was the second in a three-part series focused on what shapes buildings--zoning--and what shapes streets and public spaces--Complete Streets guidelines. The workshop focused on mixed-use nodes and corridors in East Boston. Attendees discussed the characteristics of mixed-use nodes and corridors today and shared how they would like these areas to evolve in the future. Community members worked in small groups to better explore how these types of areas manifest in East Boston and had the opportunity to create their ideal mixed-use nodes and corridor street designs and building massings. 

Resumen de la reunión:

Este taller fue el segundo de una serie de tres partes que se centró en las formas de los edificios, las calles y los espacios públicos: pautas de zonificación y calles completas. El taller se centró en nodos y corredores de uso mixto en East Boston. Los asistentes discutieron las características de los nodos y corredores de uso mixto hoy y compartieron cómo les gustaría que estas áreas evolucionen en el futuro. Los miembros de la comunidad trabajaron en pequeños grupos para explorar mejor cómo se manifiestan estos tipos de áreas en el este de Boston y tuvieron la oportunidad de crear sus nodos de uso mixto ideales y diseños de calles de corredores y masificaciones de edificios.