Jul 19, 2018 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Rss Contact Name:Aisling Kerr Contact Email Address:[email protected] Type:Impact Advisory Group (IAG) Location:6 Southbourne Road Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Contact Phone:617.918.4212
Description: Impact Advisory Group (IAG) meeting to discuss the proposed Notice of Project Changed for Phase B of the Parcel U Project, received by the BPDA from JP Parcel U, LLC on June 20th, 2018. Please note that the purpose of this meeting is different than that of a traditional community meeting. As part of the development review process, IAG members work closely with BPDA staff to identify the impacts of a project and recommend appropriate community benefits to offset those impacts. IAG meetings prioritize discussion between the project proponent (i.e. the developer) and IAG members.