CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

500 Huntington Avenue Impact Advisory Group Meeting

Aug 05, 2024

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Contact Name:

    Stephen Harvey

  • Contact Email Address:

    [email protected]

  • Type:

    Impact Advisory Group (IAG)

  • Location:

    Virtual Meeting

  • Contact Phone:

    (617) 918-4418


Please note: this meeting, originally scheduled for Monday, July 29, has been rescheduled for Monday, August 05, 2024.

The City of Boston Planning Department is hosting an Impact Advisory Group (IAG) Meeting for the 500 Huntington Avenue project located in Mission Hill. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the updated proposal. The meeting will include a presentation followed by Q&A and comments from the general public.

Please note that the purpose of this meeting is different from that of a traditional community meeting. As part of the development review process, IAG members work closely with staff to identify the impacts of a project and recommend appropriate community benefits to offset those impacts. IAG meetings prioritize discussion between the project proponent (i.e. the developer) and IAG members.

The proposed Project involves (a) demolishing an existing parking lot, three small buildings, and an artificial turf athletic field and (b) constructing two new mixed-use buildings comprising approximately 640,000 square feet of life science, office, cultural, and retail/commercial uses along with below-grade parking.

How to Participate

Register in advance:

Toll-free call-in number: 833.568.8864
Meeting ID: 161 932 3504