This is a virtual public meeting for the proposed 392-398 Cambridge Street project located in Allston. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Notice of Project Alteration that was filed and its potential impacts. The meeting will include a presentation followed by questions and comments from the public.
The proposal includes a request to change the 392-398 Cambridge Street building from a residential homeownership project to a rental project. This action does not require a Notice of Project Change under Section 80A-6 of the Boston Zoning Code. However, the 392-398 Cambridge Street project will need BPDA Board approval for authority to enter into the appropriate Affordable Rental Housing Agreement and Restriction (“ARHAR”) to match the new program.
How to Participate
Please register for the meeting using the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 160 217 4554
Toll-free call-in number: (833) 568 - 8864