12 Channel Street Stairwell Code Compliance and Stair Pressurization System Project Request for Qualifications ("RFQ")

The Economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston (“EDIC”) d/b/a Boston Planning & Development Agency (“BPDA”), by its Chief Procurement Officer (“CPO”), requests the qualifications of an experienced, qualified, and professional architect/engineer design team to provide design services, including construction administration, in conformance with M.G.L. c. 7C, §§ 44 – 58, as may be amended, for the 12 Channel Street Stairwell Code Compliance and Stair Pressurization System Project. The BPDA is seeking design services for its property located at 12 Channel Street in Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park from a professional with prior experience in building code compliance and stair pressurization systems. There is no study or program associated with this project which has been previously completed. The anticipated duration of the design services is sixty (60) weeks from the resulting design contract execution date. The design fee shall be negotiated between the top-ranked finalist and the BPDA to establish a mutually agreed-upon design fee. The BPDA will request that the top-ranked finalist submit a fee proposal and include it with its current cost and pricing data.  

Type RFQ
Status Awarded
Due Date 11/24/2020 12:00
Pre Bid Meeting Date 11/05/2020 11:00
Awarded Date
Awarded Company Studio Enee, Inc.
Contract Value $180,000
Contact [email protected]

Studio Enee, Inc. $180,000.00